Captain America: Civil War

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Captain America: Civil War

Post by CaptainWacky »

It was very very good! Some of the most comic book-y moments yet from a comic book movie (airport scene I'm talking about you.) What was most impressive was how well it used its massive cast of characters. Everyone was in character based on their previous movies and everything they did made sense based on the progression from those movies into this one. Captain America helping Bucky even after he'd just attacked everyone just felt like the natural thing he'd do. Iron Man got just as much character stuff as Cap and RDJ gave probably his best Marvel performance yet.

Black Panther was great! He didn't feel just thrown in there for the sake of promoting his own movie. He felt like a part of the story and had his own character arc throughout the movie. And his suit was a better Batman outfit than most Batmen. It's a shame we have to wait nearly two years for his solo movie.

Spider-Man on the other hand did feel like he'd just been tacked onto the story. You could take him out and it wouldn't have made any difference to the story. BUT I can't really say I minded because Tom Holland did such a great job as Peter. The scene with him and Tony was one of the best parts of the movie, even if it did feel like it could have been inserted in any Marvel movie randomly as a Spider-Man introudction. And he was so much fun in the airport scene. A fun Spider-Man! We haven't had that for a while! I understand putting him in here because now instead of thinking "do we really need another Spider-Man movie?" next year people are going to be thinking "I'm excited to see this new Spider-Man movie because he was so good in Civil War!"

Elizabeth Olsen did good work as Wanda who got a nice story arc. I liked Vision being weird and wearing clothes. Scarlett Johansson is always reliable as Black Widow and he side switching seemed perfectly in character (this would be a good time to give her a solo movie since she probably won't appear again until Infinity War, but obviously that's not going to happen.) Falcon actually got most of the funniest lines and delivered them well! His new friendship with Bucky was fun. Ant-Man also made a great impression and the Giant Man sequence was pure comic book joy. Hawkeye...he was okay. Woudln't have minded if he hadn't been in it, really. Rhodey was good in his interactions with Tony.

I liked Zemo as a villain who pretty much succeeded in his goal of breaking up the Avengers and didn't have any world conquering scheme.

There were some weird contrived moments though. Like the way the airport scene was set up. I have no idea why Cap's team had to leave from that airport at that moment and how Tony's team knew to be there and how Tony managed to go off and recruit Spider-Man and still be there in time. And how Tony managed to arrive at Zemo's lair right after Cap and Bucky even though they went straight there while he went to check on Rhodey and the other Avengers in prison. He really gets around! And it probably should have been called Captain America and Iron Man: Civil War. I'd say Winter Solier was better just because the story was tighter. But it was still a great comic book movie and in my top five Marvel movies for sure.
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by CaptainWacky »

Oh, and I loved that Jim Rash had a cameo literally playing Dean Pelton and I think I was the only one in the cinema to laugh at it.
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The Tomtrek
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by The Tomtrek »

Yeah the airport scene really was the best part of an overall good film. It's exactly the type of multi-superhero battle that was missing from the Avengers films, as they ended up just fighting boring swarms of identical creatures.

It is a good film for the reasons you mentioned, but I think I was a bit disappointed at how it actually resolved it's main moral issue by just having Cap be objectively right. And then it doesn't matter anyway because Tony still gets mad at Cap even though Zemo literally just told them that that was his plan and Tony still does it anyway.

And for something as big as "CIVIL WAR" it didn't feel like it had any teeth, the other members of each sides were essentially playfighting (because we can't have one side looking worse than the other) and the only actual injury was by accidental friendly fire. So no one's to blame!

The only real outcome was that Cap went his own way with his buddies, in something that probably won't be addressed until Infinity War where it'll be resolved half way through as if it never happened (so as not to confuse people who didn't see this film too much).

But it was good!
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The Tomtrek
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by The Tomtrek »

But seriously it's crazy how well both Black Panther and Spider-Man were worked into the film and didn't feel out of place and I look forward to seeing more from both of them.
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by CaptainWacky »

Well, I still see a lot of people online being TEAM TONY and they both made good arguments about the Accords. I didn't mind Tony going nuts at the end because seeing a video of someone who's standing next to you murdering your parents must be pretty harsh! And we don't know if he really would have gone through with killing Bucky...

It's weird that Ant Man will have to be on the run in his movie with Wasp.
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by whisky »

To me it felt like at the end Tony had been reduced back to the boy he was in the holotherapy at the start, having a tantrum and not wanting to share his toys.

Zemo might not have got the exact result he wanted, but he certainly left the avengers broken.
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

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I liked the movie somewhat, I thought the first part of it was boring though. I liked the fight scene at the airport. Movie was way too long though.

I didn't understand most of what was going on, but that's just because I have not seen other super hero movies (so not an issue with the movie).
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by CaptainWacky »

It's a lot more enjoyable if you've seen the previous movies, as it's the thirteenth(!) in the series and there's loads of continuity references. In fact I'd guess it references every one of the previous movies IN SOME WAY and all the decisions the characters make are a result of everything that's happened previously. But I'm glad you enjoyed part of it!
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

Post by Eggs Loki »

I would need a loooong weekend to catch up with all the Marvel movies I haven't watched
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Re: Captain America: Civil War

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Yeah I got that impression about needing to see the other movies. The friend who organized the people I went with, suggested we do a movie marathon, which I'm for doing.
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