Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Get Wacky!
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

It's a curious case!









more lyrics




I started this post without having anything to write

I know you could say that sums up thing of the day

but really nothing is coming

usually I can just move on to something new and put some lines in

bu tnot this thimesdsf s



Man: Hello I need a new brain.

Reality: Sorry, we don't provide that service.

Man: Yeah, but come on. This is my only life. I've lived with this brain for long enough. I get a new one, right? Come on.

Reality: No, sorry, your brain is you.

Man: Yeah, but...this is it?

Reality: This is life.

Man: This is my life?

Reality: Yes. Live it.


Reality: I don't know.

Man: I'll kill you!

Reality: No you won't.

and he dind't because he'd just typed this on an internet message board


I guess that's enough
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

Reality is an asshole :rage:
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

my feet fell funny

how come when i have an anxiety attack it stays in my ams for sometimes days after

should i see a doctor about that?

what's the point

just means I can't use my arm

who needs two arms anyway

posh people probably

to polish their kettles

their posh kettles

fucking kettle hoarders

"we need more kettles to show how posh we are"

fucking rich people


we should stop the rich/poor divide

by giving kettles to poor people

that's what we should do

give all the real fancy kettles to the poor, the scum

and then the rich posh gits will be baffled like "what how can they have fancy kettles too"

then they'll realise that all people are equeal

and the world will come togehther

rich, poor, black, white, turtle

all together

thanks to the fair distribution of kettles

but it will never happen

the powerful people will never let the poor have the fancy kettles

they'll say "if the poor want the fancy kettles they should earn them"

but there's no opportunities for the poor to earn fancy kettles

because the soap mines have closed down

they're not mining soap anmore

they make soap out of poor people now

tha'ts why the poor will always be poor

because of big soap
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

Russell Brand will save us from big soap!

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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

so what happens when you put things back together but they're not hte same and you can't do anything excep sleepy all the time?



He dreamed he was sleeping in bed. It was not a crazy dream. It was a very boring dream. His bed was a few inches longer than his real bed. There was a giant bear at the foot of the bed but he didn't look at it much so otherwise it was the same. He sighed and went to sleep in his dream bed. He was in another bed now. This one was made out of wood but it was still soft. He could still sleep in it. Sleep forever. Mabye if he slept inside this dream inside a dream he'd never wake up. That woulnd't be so bad, really. He used to be scared of death but in this dream he was not. In this dream he just wanted to sleep away. The bear at the bottom of the bed was a tree now, which made sense as he was in another dream. He rolled over onto his other side but the bed was wet now. He was sleeping underwater, he realised. How was he breathing underwater? He shut his dream eyes and went to dream sleep again. He was back in his real bed now. He was disappointed. He got up to pee. He was nearly finished when he noticed his bathroom was on fire. He peed all over his socks. Wait, socks? Why was he wearing socks, he'd just been in bed? This was still a dream! He woke up back in bed, sweating. Good dream, he thought.

Now he would never get back to sleep.

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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

He had figured it out. The secret. How to live forever. He'd been thinking about it all his life and now he knew. It was simple. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before.

He'd just keep thinking.

That was all he had to do! Just keep thinking as he was dying. Never stop. Never let his mind fade away. That was the mistake everyone else made. Hell, that was why they called it "fading away" sometimes when someone died. He'd never fall into that trap. He'd keep thinking, right through death. Nobody else had every thought of that. They all gave up. But not him. He wasn't stupid.

I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking...

He wasnt expecting that death would come so soon, just a month after he came up with the idea. The bus that ran him over didn't seem to care though. His body was destroyed. Death was here. He could feel it, feel himself slipping away. He understood how others just let themself disappear. But not him. This was it. He just had to keep thinking.

"I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking..."

And he did. Everything was going away. His body was dying. He couldn't see or here. His sense of existence, his sense of self, it was all going...

"I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking..."

He'd done it. Everything else was gone. But he was still thinking. He had to keep thinking. He had to keep thinking...

About what?

He had to keep thinking, he had to keep thinking...

Who was he? He couldn't remember. Where was he? There was nothing. An emptiness. So alone. Not even cold, or dark, just...nothing. And he couldn't seem to find himself.

"I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking..."

He was thinking. He had to. It was all he was. A single though in the void, repeated again and again. If he stopped thinking he would be gone. It was tempting at times. But he had to keep thinking. It was all he knew.

"I have to keep thinking, I have to keep thinking..."

If only he'd also remebered to keep remembering.
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

Hopefully he will remember Taylor Swift eventually.
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »


oneday I'll post a thing of the day that's just "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

todya is not that day

but it will be a perfectly valid thing of thed ay

just as good as sthis one

if not better

because it'll be more honest

than the words

oh the words

so many words

words are lies

words don't exist in nature

just our brains

we translate our thoughts into words

but something is always lost int he traslation

we can never truely know each other

not until we have Vulcan mind melds


Charlese Horse sat in silence with his therapist for a long moment.

"Take as long as you need," she said. She knew he often needed a long time to begin to speak.

"I can't remember what I was going to say," he signed out at last. "I had something I wanted to say but I can't remember it. There is nothing.

She wasn't really there, he didn't really have a therapist. He never would. And even then he couldn't think of anything to say to his imagined therapist. He couldn't even muster up the energy to keep imagining a therapist.

Things were getting worse for Charles Horse.


remind me to start living one day

oops too late












there is nothing/





cassie keeps getting kicke d out of chat
everything is falling apart
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Dr Dave »

Could Charles Horse be causing it?
"I want to shower you in sugar lumps and take you to the horse dentist."- CaptainWacky

"If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget."-Welcome to Night Vale
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

it could be unseen forces conspiriring to end our internet family

what happens when an internet family dies

it happens in a way that people don't even know it's happening

because they can still talk to each other on facebook

but you can't post message board things on facebook

you can't post "MY TOP FIVE MURDER FANTASIES THREAD" on facebook becasue it's your real name and people are reading it whoyou might not want reading it and stuff

so you're losing out even if you don't realise it

a part of you has died

the part of you who posts murder fantasies on message boards

a precious part

but anyway

no on cares but people with no lives anyway

hey, I'm a person with no life!

that explains it



these isg

there is asecret messssage hidden int he abovoe

if you find it you win nothing becuase life is pointless



it's time to end the thing of the day expierminet

it's done

it's over

ther eis nothing

no more things of theday

TK's never coming back

the same threads don't work on Last BBS

they didn't really work there either

it's over

all I should ever do is rank female celebirities

that's it

that's my life

the end

I should exprimeint with doing daily top tens or something

or like...a top ten every two days

but with just ten

not thirty

and umm


that's terrible ide

just keep doing what i'm doing

just keep repeating the same thing

until I die

what's the point of changing

this is all

this is it


and that's not long


Charles Horse decided to stop imagining people in his head. He wasn't very good at it anyway. He'd just be alone, like he always had been anyway. Always alone. Without the other voices he felt smaller. Lesser. Closer to death. He could die and not even notice.

Charles Horse smiled and awaited the inevitable.
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

Cassie you got kikced out of chat and you're not back yet.

WAs it my fault.

Was it becaue I made her scroll to the back tot he top of tumblr

did that break her internet

is everyting my fault

my own selfish fault

would the world be better without me

would there be world peace

without my toxic influence

am I the problem

am I satan




okya cassie just came back into chat

maybe i'm not satan

or maybe i'm fooling myself

like satan did

when he said "maybe I'm not satan because cassie is in chat"

we all remember that part of the bible

so yah

if you think you aren't satan just because someone is in chat

you might still be satan



"and who are you to question I, the great Larry Bumfuck?"


"awww shit!"


and then thw woerld dendd

becuase the domsday dviec sg

the doomsday device went off and ended the world

the end
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

I bet satan sent all this rain!
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Eggs Loki »

I would love some nice cooling rain. I'm not ready for summer. I hate hot.
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »





need to post a thing of the day

if I keep posting things of the day it's like TK's still here

it's like veryone who used to post there still posts and still gives a fuck about our nterenet family

everyonthing will be okay if i just post a goddamn motherfucking hilter-sucking banana eating thing of the fuckdamn day OKAY

wait no it won't

it iwll make no difffffffffference


Anna kendrick isnice

did I feel something there
did I feel athing
no i dind not

ijust typed it

but id like her
so maybe i do like things
or maybe i'mjust associating the human emotion "like" with something i that is in in my head
and I don't actually feel anything because i'm not fucking human
but there have to be things in my head
autism shadows
twisted shapes
or something
that's all i have
i translate these things into human feelinsgg
but they're not
not really
id ont' know what they are
i live inside them id on't understand

Charles Horse sat there waiting to shit. He wondered how much of his life had been spent on the toilet. And yet he enjoyed it. He never felt like it was a waste. He liked being in a little room with the door locked. He was safe in there. Nothing bad could happen on the toilet. Well, unless he strained too hard and his brain exploded. That happened sometimes to people.

But not the worst part was when the shit was finally done with and he had to leave the bathroom.


i don't really need to make thing of the day a certain length because this is a whoel thread of things of the day anyway isn't it logl

nhnb bcnn
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by Cassie »

Anna Kendrick really is nice!
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

The Toad was scared. Princess Toadstool's castle was shaking. There were loud BOOMS outside. The Toad couldn't see what was happening, but it could guess. Bowser, King Koopa himself, was attacking in one of his airships, sending massive Bullet Bills and cannonballs crashing against the walls of the castle. It had happened many times before. The Toad had lost count of how many friends had died in Bowser attacks. And where was Mario, the Toad thought, bitterly. Oh, sure, he'd show up eventually, but only AFTER the Princess had been captured again. Only after the Toad blood had been spilled. He'd save Peach's life, yes, and the Toad was happy about that. But what about the faithful Toads who would die in this attack? Why didn't Mario care about them?

The Toad ran to battle stations. He had to man one of the castle's cannons and fire back at the airship. It was futile. Bowser always won the battles. He always captured Peach. The Toad was so made that he started firing right away without even aiming. Just firing and screaming "RRRRRRR, DIE!" Then he noticed something flying through the air.

It was Cape Mario, flying for Bowser's ship. He'd come early for once. He was going to save them all, not just Peach. And one of the Toad's cannonballs was heading right for him.

"Mario, move!" the Toad shouted, but he was drowned out by all the explosions. The cannonball hit Mario in the back. He hadn't even been looking for anything from that direction. Mario fell from the sky. A great cheer came up from Bower's airship. It fired all weapons on the castle. The Toad dived out of the way as a Bullett Bill exploded a few feet in front of him. A boarding party of Goombas begun running down the corridors of the castle. "Mario is dead!" they whispered to each other.

The Toad grabbed a super hammer and squashed Goomba after Goomba. But more came. Koopas. Hammer Bros. A Lakitu throwing Spinys. The Toad was overwhelmed. He was hit hard in the head by a hammer. As he faded away he saw something. Something glarious.

Mario. He was still alive. And he was riding Yoshi.

The Toad woke up the next day with Toadsworth and Princess Peach standing at his bedside.

"Your bravery in holding the line until Mario arrived saved many lives," said Peach.

" was me...I shot Mario," said the Toad. Peach just smiled.

"And he fell down the chasm, found a super mushroom and a Yoshi, and became even stronger. Don't worry, Mario always wins. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to show him how grateful I am. So, so grateful..."

Peach left. After a pause Toadsworth said "She's going to fuck his brains out."

"Yes, I got that," said the Toad. He sighed. He should have been happy. He was alive. The castle was safe. All thanks to...Mario. Of course. Why couldn't the Toad be strong like Mario?

He new what he had to do. He had to start eating super mushrooms so he could be big and strong like Mario. Even though it was cannibalism. It would be worth it.
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Re: Last BBS Thing Of The Day

Post by CaptainWacky »

The Toad went to the darkest, seediest corner of the Mushroom Kingdom, far from Peach's Castle. The kind of place where it wasn't unusual to see a Goomba or a Koopa walking the streets, or even inter-dating with Toads. The Toad would have been scared to visit this place before. But he'd faced death and he'd kill so many with his hammer. It was the only place to get what he needed.

He found the backstreet Super Mushroom dealership easily enough. His source had provided accurate directions. A shifty looking Toad was there. He was thin and had a long Toad beard. The Toad felt disgusted looking at him, but put that out of his mind. He just had to buy the mushrooms.

"How much for a hundred Super Mushrooms?" he asked, boldly. He knew one would never be enough. He wanted enough to last for a long time.

"A hundred!" said the dealer. "I don't even have that many...I'll send you twent for a thousand gold coins."

"A hundred for five hundred gold coins," said the Toad. He knew the dealer was lying. He knew how mass produced the Super Mushrooms were in the underworld.

"You would put me out of business!" said the dealer. "I couldn't possibly give them away for..."

"Cut the crap."

"I bet your pardon, friend!"

"I know how the super mushrooms are made. I bet most of your customers don't. I wonder how they would react if they found out."

"They love the taste of my 'shrooms and the power they get from them!"

"But do they know that they are unborn children? That you have Toad women birthing them dozens at a time?"

" did you...that's a lie..."

"The super mushrooms Mario eats, those are actually just wild mushrooms, but there's they're hard to find, so you have to grow thems inside lady Toads you sick fuck."

"They're not children, not really..."

"Would your customers believe that?"

"...a hundred for five hundred gold coins, then?"

"And be quick about it."
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