1998 Top Albums 1999 Top Albums 2000 Top Albums 2001 Top Albums 2002 Top Albums 2003 Top Albums
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Cary (helltoupe@JUNO.COM - the first posted list)

1. Mary Lou Lord - Got No Shadow
2. Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
3. Bap Kennedy - Domestic Blues
4. Greg Trooper - Popular Demons
5. Peter Case - Full Service, No Waiting
6. Chris Knight
7. Willie Nelson - Teatro
8. Saw Doctors - Suns from Sun Street
9. Emmylou Harris - Spyboy
10. Number One Cup - People People Why Are We Fighting

Honorable mentions:

Paul Kelly - Words and Music
Bevis Frond - North Circular
Elvis & Burt - Painted From Memory

Best Reissues:

1. Ray Charles - The Complete Country & Western Recordings
2. Whiskeytown - Faithless Street
3. Bob Dylan - Live 1966
4. Van Morrison - The Philosopher Stone
5. The Beach Boys - The Pet Sounds Sessions

Most Valuable Player: Buddy Miller

The Album I misunderstood the most: Robbie Fulks - Let's Kill Saturday Night

Best Label:

1. E-Squared
2. Bloodshot

Charles Sterne

1. Hole, Celebrity Skin
2. Vic Chesnutt, The Salesman and Bernadette
3. Elvis Costello with Burt Bacharach, Painted from Memory
4. The Spinanes, Arches and Aisles
5. Billy Bragg and Wilco, Mermaid Avenue
6. Kenny Howes, Back to You Today
7. Neutral Milk Hotel, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
8. Neko Case and Her Boyfriends, The Virginian
9. Belle and Sebastian, The Boy with the Arab Strap
10. R.E.M., Up

H.M.: Golden Smog, Fatboy Slim, Emmylou Harris, Beck, Lucinda Williams,
Dave Alvin, Peter Case, Liz Phair, Pulp

Paul Cahill (Loki)

1. EC/BB: Painted From Memory
2. Ragtime: Original Broadway Cast
3. James Iha: Let It Come Down
4. Rufus Wainwright: Rufus Wainwright
5. Cowboy Junkies: Miles From Our Home
6. Bob Dylan: Live 1966
7. Kronos Quartet: The Complete Landmark Sessions
8. Hole: Celebrity Skin
9. Joni Mitchell: Taming The Tiger
10. Billy Bragg and Wilco: Mermaid Avenue

11. Schumann: Kreisleriana, Nachtstücke...Andras Schiff, Piano
12. Jeff Buckley: Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk
13. Air - Moon Safari

Honorable mention: Various COSTELLO-L Artists: Life Intimidates Art
(shameless plug)

Benjamin J. Herman

1. Peter Case, Full Service No Waiting
"Drunkard's Harmony" is the best song released this year. Best Final Three Song
Sequence since Jack/Suit/Fireworks.

2. Belle & Sebastian, The Boy With The Arab Strap
Am I the only one who thinks this is better than Sinister?

3. EC & Burt, PFM
I could hear it ringing but I didn't see it coming.

4. Roddy Frame, The North Star
The guy just writes the best damn pop songs. I hope he releases 50 more albums
before I die.

5. Pulp, This Is Hardcore
Not nearly as exhilarating as Different Class, but this one has more intellectual meat
on its bones. I *adore* Different Class; I *admire* this one.

6. Kristin Hersh, Strange Angels
If you're patient with it, this album's power will find you.

7. Billy Bragg & Wilco, Mermaid Avenue
It's that "chockackickeechoochoo" song that does it for me.

8. Liz Phair, whitechocolatespaceegg
Great album, but what gives with the absence of the word "fuck"?

9. Garbage, Version 2.0
The shot of Shirley Manson licking herself in the mirror at the end of the "Push It" video is,
umm, incredible.

10. The Cardigans, Gran Turismo
OK, I just bought this two weeks ago, but so far I really like it. And I can't quite bring myself
to put J&MC's Munki on the list.

Prediction: This year's OK Computer--i.e., the album that will top every newspaper critic's
list this year--will be Hello Nasty.

Olof Öberg

1. System of a down - System of a down
(The first CD to really knock me out since Nevermind...)

2. Chris & Carla - Swinger 500

3. Slayer - Diabolus in musica
(Well, what can I say... I have no logical explanation)

4. Cracker - Gentleman´s blues
(Better and better for every album)

5. The Jesus Lizard - Blue

OK, OK, no PFM... and only American artists. Well, I might get into PFM
eventually; it´s not a bad album, it´s just that I have so many other CDs
that I´d rather listen to - so I have only listened to it maybe five or six
times. And yes, I KNOW that my musical taste differs a bit from what other
members of this list listen to...

(By the way, "All this useless beauty" is among my Top 30 EVER, so I´m not
THAT evil...)

Domenick (Charlie Sedarka)

in no order what-so-ever

Beck- Mutations
Phish- Story of the Ghost
Elliot Smith XO
Billy Bragg/Wilco - Mermaid Ave.
John Lennon - wonsuponatime (or whatever it's called)
Neil Finn - Try Whistling This
John Easdale - Bright Side
Soul Coughing - El Oso

Chris Forhan

1. Lucinda Williams--Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
2. Vic Chesnutt--The Salesman and Bernadette

(Honorable mention: EC/BB)

Chris Wright

This list (and most notably Linus and Gary - BTW, the cheque's in the post!) has led me
to discover a lot of new music, both mainstream and 'indie'. Similarly, Mr Costello's
influence has led me down a lot of musical alleyways (eg: Richard Thompson,
Donal Lunny, Christy Moore, John Harle, even the Fugees!). I would love to have
the time and the energy to go and seek out new bands and champion them, but
I did that when I was younger and had that time and energy (remember the Vapors?
I used to go and watch them rehearsing before they had a record deal), now I rely on
mainstream radio, the occasional glance through a music mag and, more usefully,
you lot, to point me in the direction of stuff worth hearing. So thanks to all of you for
your filtering abilities, and keep the top 10s coming! Mine? OK!

Albums bought this year! In no Order:

Painted From Memory - Love it!

Bespoke Songs etc. - stuff I've been wanting to get on CD for ages

Christine Collister - Dark Gift of Time. Her best so far! Highly recommended, a mixture
of covers and some original songs - features Richard Thompson and includes "I Want to Vanish"

Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks. My first Dylan Album!

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill - great apart from the annoying stuff between the tracks

Luka Bloom - Salty Heaven. Beautiful! Luka with much more instrumentation than usual,
some very moving songs and beautiful arrangements.

Jeff Buckley - Grace. Had to get it eventually. Great to work to!

Burner - Everybody should get this, there's some crap, but there's some great stuff too!
Looking forward to the Pawnshop CD!

Christy Moore - Greatest Hits Volume 1. The man's a genius!

and finally....Madonna - Ray of Light. My first Madonna album!

Cary <cary@NET1.NW.COM.AU>

hmmm i'm not sure if i've bought 10 cds this year...nor, for that
matter, were they new releases....but i'll go with the best of what i've
heard over the last eleven months:

Ivy - Department life
Mono - Formica Blues
Space - Tin Planet
Austin Powers - OST
(all of which have traces of Bacharach woven into shiny new pop
stuff.....kinda what i'd hoped for in PFM)

Air - Moon Safari
Serge Gainsbourg - Comic Strip
Ben Lee - Breathing Tornadoes
(For a lad who's just emerging out of his teens, mr Lee has produced an
extraordinary body of work so far...)

BMX Bandits - Theme Park
Wannadies - Too Tough to Die

and um EC's Plugging The Gaps Vol 2....i found this at the local record
store back in May and it hasn't travelled far from the CD player
since....God Only Knows!!!

Sarah Wooten

I have no top ten list for 1998, because I know I have not listened to that
many new albums this year that are worth mentioning, therefore....

the absolute best album of 1998 in my oh so humble opinion is:
Jets To Brazil- Orange Rhyming Dictionary

Jess (Toaster Strudel)

My own top ten of the year:

(I'll make an attempt here...being a DJ helps, but most of the CDs I bought this year,
to be honest, were released prior to 1998. I did, however, discover several new artists
I hadn't known about until I started DJing, and they're included here)

1. Jude- No One is Really Beautiful
2. Reverend Horton Heat- Space Heater
3. EC and BB- duh
4. Jeff Buckley- sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk
5. Brian Wilson- Imagination
6. REM- Up (anyone remember Right Said Fred? This was the name of their album too)
7. Legend: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours
8. Alanis Morissette- Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (I know I'm probably going to
get crucified on the list for saying this, but I really do think she's got some talent)
9. Red Hot & Rhapsody- various
10. The High Llamas- Cold and Bouncy

Clay (Mojique@AOL.COM)

1. REM - Up
2. Garbage - Version 2.0
3. Rufus Wainwright - Rufus Wainwright
4. Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
5. Liz Phair - whitechocolatespaceegg
6. Beck - Mutations
7. Elliott Smith - XO
8. Lyle Lovett - Step Inside This House
9. Bob Dylan - Live 1966
10. Jeff Buckley - Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk

Tom Demarchi

1. Billy Bragg/Wilco -- Mermaid Avenue (quite possibly my favorite album since "Brutal Youth")
2. Lucinda Williams -- Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
3. Dylan -- Live 1966
4. Bevis Frond -- North Circular
5. Richard Thompson -- Celtzschmere
6. EC/BB -- Painted...
7. Springsteen -- Tracks box set
8. Dan Bern -- Fifty Eggs
9. PJ Harvey -- Is This Desire?
10. Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson -- Storytellers

HM: The entire Kinks reissue catalogue, Liz Phair, Son Volt, Robyn Hitchcock,
Gillian Welch, Lou Reed's "Perfect Night in London," Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew" box set,
Kristin Hersh, Nick Lowe...

tommy amoeba

1 david garza - this euphoria
2 velvet goldmine - original soundtrack
3 r.e.m. - up
4 beck - mutations
5 cornelius - fantasma
6 hole - celebrity skin
7 liquor giants - every other day at a time
8 sean lennon - into the sun
9 the donnas - american teenage rock n roll machine
10 bran van 3000 - glee

Brent (Viva Blur@aol.com)

The Dread Ten:

1) Bob Dylan, "Live 1966" -Believe the hype.

2) Hole, "Celebrity Skin" -See above.

3) Pulp, "This is Hardcore" -Pre-mid-life crisis millennium tension with Jarvis.

4) Massive Attack, "Mezzanine" -Dark, foreboding, atmospheric, banjo solos (well, no)

5) Money Mark, "Press the Button" -Hip-hop, Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe..honest.

6) Neutral Milk Hotel, "In The Aeroplane Over the Sea" -Indescribable in pithy
one-line summations

7) PJ Harvey, "Is This Desire" -The Goddess. She dumped Nick Cave, man..think about it.

8) Beck, "Mutations" -Proof that sitar, folk guitar and psychedelia need not always
involve Cornershop, or George Harrison.

9) Elliot Smith, "XO" -Best version of "Cat Scratch Fever" ever..and the best melodies
this side of "Rubber Soul."

10) REM, "Up" -"I read bad poetry into your machine/ I save your messages just to hear
your voice." Isn't that lovely and heartbreaking at the same time?

Kids, wake up your parents and demand that they also buy you the latest records from:
Beastie Boys
Portishead (live)
Spiritualized (live)
Apples in Stereo
Blur (re-mix/live set)
Fatboy Slim ("Fatboy Slim is fucking in heaven, Fatboy Slim is fucking in heaven")
Velvet Goldmine Soundtrack
Radiohead ep
Belle and Fucking Sebastian
Stereolab (rarities collection from they who rule all!)

Wouter Pronk

1. Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach - Painted From Memory
2. Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
3. Gillian Welch - Hell Among The Yearlings
4. P.J. Harvey - Is This Desire?
5. Jennifer Kimball - Veering From The Wave
6. Cry Cry Cry - Cry Cry Cry
7. Billy Bragg & Wilco - Mermaid Avenue
8. The Nields - Play
9. Ilse DeLange - World Of Hurt
10. Natalie Merchant - Ophelia

Bloem DeLigny - Zink
Elliott Smith - XO
Liz Phair - Whitechocolatespaceegg
Melissa Ferrick - Everything I Need
Rose Polenzani - Dragersville

Danielle (Dimsie)

1. Throwing Muses/In a Doghouse (so it's a reissue. So sue me. I'd never heard it before,
and besides there's new stuff on the second CD) - a friend of mine calls this 'a fucking
miraculous recording', and nothing could be truer. Thrilling, mesmerising, all those other
adjectives. Actually moves me to tears

2. Rufus Wainwright/Rufus Wainwright - a perfectly beautiful album to swoon over,
Gap ad notwithstanding

3. Liz Phair/whitechocolatespaceegg - this is good, dammit! Nothing cuts as close to
the bone as some of the stuff on Exile (though that could just be a chick thing), but this
is way more accomplished, the songs are instantly memorable and they also *rawk*.
Nice high heels in the CD-insert, too

4. Neutral Milk Hotel/In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - as Brent said, this really does
defy description. Only Jeff Mangum could make me bop to 'I love you Jesus Christ' with
anything like conviction ;), or carry off a line like 'semen stains the mountaintops' while
maintaining sing-along-able-ness, nifty instrumentation and arrangements, *and*
the 'adorable' factor

5. Hole/Celebrity Skin - is anyone else as mesmerised by Courtney Love's visibly erect nipples
on the CD cover as I am? Ahem. Perhaps not. ;) If the rest of the album suffers ever-so-slightly
because it has to follow the title track, that's just a testament to what a stunningly
great single 'Celebrity Skin' is. 'Hit so hard, I saw stars', indeed

6. Dave Dobbyn/The Islander - NZ's Costello, as Simon puts it (Dobbyn's been around
nearly as long), and this is what Elvis *should* have been doing this year. Nowhere near as
good as his pithy masterpiece Lament for the Numb (what could be?) but 'Waiting' is
cool, all hooks, characteristically uplifting chorus and intelligent lyrics to boot (yes, Marika,
the album shall be yours when I finish writing this damn essay)

Stuff I've managed to pick up (or taped, or, um, whatever - god bless cheap promo
copies) that I like lots but haven't decided where to rank yet: Various Artists/Aotearoa
Hiphop Vol. 1; Beastie Boys/Intergalactic; Beck/Mutations; Kristin Hersh/Strange Angels;
Spinanes/Arches and Aisles; and Billy Bragg & Wilco/Mermaid Avenue.

Other stuff that I've heard this year and unequivocally adored (some should probably be
on the list, but it's cheating if you don't own them, I think): Bob Dylan/Live 1966 (wow);
Massive Attack/Mezzanine (though I did see the concert, so doesn't that count?); Money
Mark/Push the Button; PJ Harvey, Is This Desire?; Elliott Smith/XO; Fatboy Slim/ You've Come
a Long Way, Baby; Chemical Brothers/Brothers Gonna Work it Out; the Portishead and
Spiritualized live thangs; the Stereolab rarities wotsit; and lots of that Oasis B-sides compo.

Jason Wilson Brown

1. Frank Black and the Catholics-self titled
-frank is back and kicks some serious ass! And no SciFi songs!
2. High Llamas- Cold and Bouncy
-not just a beach boys homage any more!
3. Yazbek- Tock
-brilliant pop music, wickedly funny too!
4. Elliot Smith- XO
-would been number one except for "amity" which is so blandly power pop it makes my skin crawl.
5. Elvis Costello with Burt Bacharach- Painted From Memory
-I just love it. perfect!
6. REM-Up
7. Pulp- This is Hardcore
-Out does Different Class which i didnt think was possible.
8. Billy Bragg and Wilco- Mermaid Avenue
-I expected a nice bunch of folk tunes and got something far better
9. Neil Finn- Try Whistling This
-Turned me into a full fledged fan.
10. Public Enemy-He Got Game
-Their best since Fear of a Black Planet
11.Lyle Lovett- Step Inside this House
-another damn fine effort from lyle.

Honorable Mentions

Brian Wilson-Imagination
Mono Puff-It's Fun to Steal
They Might Be Giants-Severe Tire Damage
Posies- Success
Dub Narcotic Sound System-Out of Your Mind
Mitchell Froom-Dopamine

Steve Getchell

I don't buy enough new stuff to warrant a top 10 list, I'm still trying to
update my vinyl...

Roddy Frame-North Star
EC/BB-Painted From Memory
Bob Dylan-Bootleg Series #3
Bruce Springsteen-Tracks

Craig Montoya

1. Bob Mould -- The Last Dog and Pony Show
2. EC/BB -- Painted From Memory
3. Lucinda Williams -- Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
4. Emmylou Harris -- Spyboy
5. Billy Bragg & Wilco -- Mermaid Avenue
6. Bob Dylan -- Live 1966
7. Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos Postizos -- self-titled
8. Willie Nelson -- Teatro
9. John Lennon -- Anthology
10. Frank Black & the Catholics -- "All My Ghosts" CD single (for the wonderful ragged
cover of Dylan's "Changing of the Guards")

All in all, a pretty great year for music.

Mike Hernandez

10. Los Super Seven - s/t
9. The Beach Boys - Endless Harmony Soundtrack
8. Beck - Mutations (this boy has the groove so bad, it's scary)
7. The Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty
6. Lyle Lovett - Step Inside This House (if only for Bears, the title song, and If I Needed
You....but the rest is wonderful as well)
5. Bruce Springsteen - Tracks (worth it just for Frankie)
4. Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
3. Sloan - Navy Blues
2. Billy Bragg & Wilco - Mermaid Avenue (an incredible album, despite Natalie
Merchant's presence [sorry, Natalie fans])
1. Bob Dylan - Live 1966 (even forgetting its historical value, this is one goddamn
great performance)

Hon. Mentions:

Son Volt - Wide Swing Tremolo
Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson: Storytellers
Ray Davies - The Storyteller
Miles Davis - The Complete Birth Of The Cool
Soul Coughing - El Oso
Emmylou Harris - Spyboy

And no doubt that there are still albums left to get this year: the new Squeeze,
XTC's Transistor Blast, the Presley Silver box, this Elliott Smith that everyone seems to
be raving about, maybe the new REM, possibly Jonathan Richman's album...


EC/BB - Painted From Memory (I absolutely did want to like this record, but nothing
worked for me -- not the music, not the lyrics, not the singing [and dare I say, especially
not the singing])
Still no Neil Young Archives box set
Brian Wilson's less-than-stellar Imagination

And it's been a good reissue year:

18 albums of Frank Sinatra's rereleased by Capitol and Reprise Castle's and Velvel's Kinks reissues
The first 3 Cheap Trick albums and the complete Budokan concert
The Nuggets box
Rod Stewart's early albums
Have A Nice Decade

Robert Stair

1. Celebrity Skin - Hole

Don't hate Courtney because she's beautiful! She's brilliant, she's wicked, she's exciting,
she's glamorous, she's gifted, she's direct, she's funny, she's brave enough to be herself
honest and uncensored, and, oh yeah, she's got the best record of the year. She's not
asking you to approve of her lifestyle. Listen to the music. Listen to her voice. It's one of
the best I've ever heard. Great lyrics too. And I'm only a little embarrassed to admit to
dimsie that I'm a BIG fan of the subtle yet prominently displayed nips on the cover too.
(insert cat call and wolf whistle!)

2. Bed - Juliana Hatfield
Haven't seen this one mentioned by anyone yet and it's a wonderful record. This girl is really
something special. Could be the Joni of the future.

3. whitechocolatespacegg - Liz Phair
I would agree that Exile in Guyville was a better record, but so what? Exile was a
breakthrough classic, better than most records. This is a woman I'd love to see in concert.

4. The Last Great Ride - Dark Carnival
Okay, so this was actually released last year, but I've been playing it ever since and most
of you've probably never heard of it. Niagara and Ron Asheton at their best. It's like
Destroy All Monsters without all that Mike Kelly bullshit.

5. Life Intimidates Art - Various (ahem) "Artists" Gillet's infamous review notwithstanding, this
is the best EC related item of the year. If you haven't heard the 50 Foot Woman sing
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" in Clean Money, or Mike Dare's gorgeous piano playing on Strict
Time, or Loki's Home Shopping Network gender bending version of Baby Plays Around,
or, for that matter, my own sterling contribution (Fave Hour), well your life is not complete.
(And, btw, if you're waiting patiently for a copy of the tape from me, it's being mailed out
this week for sure!)

6. Slave of Beauty - Robert Stair
Not really an "official" release, just a rather amateurish demo, but I like it. (Shameless self
promotion, I know.)

Linus Gelber

You know, I've spent the last 2 years seeing New York and regional music, and frankly I
don't know what the hell most of you are on about. You sound like VH1 outtakes...don't any
of you ever take in a local band? That's what indie music is about, you know. Not what
someone at a zine or a college station (who has *inevitably* been paid by a major label,
one way or another) tells you is cool.

My top ten, in no order whatsoever:

Trina Hamlin - "Alone" (might not be 1998, but I think it is, no label)
Block - "Timing is Everything" (Java/Capitol)
Dave's True Story - "Sex Without Bodies" (Chesky)
Jake - "Bloodblue" EP (Desert Dog)
The Papaya Kings - "Don't Fear the Reverb" (E&O)
The Agents - "For All the Massive" (Radical)
Deni Bonet - "The Phat and Stoopid EP" (unknown, can't find it at the mo')
Red Betty - "Sister Rubber Limbs" (again, think it's 1998, can't find it)
Lackluster - "This Is What You Get" (Short Bus)
Amy Rigby - "Middlescence" (Koch)

If you get your music out of the music press, you are part of the machine.

Albums I like well enough, will probably never listen to again after March of 1999 or so,
and won't mention as the year's best include the newest Massive Attack, Verve, Fastball,
Marcy Playground, Afghan Whigs, Pulp, Eve 6 (they might actually last), Beastie Boys.
New bands seen live who might be as good as people say, if Virgin leaves them alone:
Gomez, Placebo.

Album I hope I never hear again: REM, "Up." I can't even recall what they were passing off
as cool last January.

Wally Ingram

in no particular order,

Elvis/Burt - "Painted From Memory"
Bragg/Wilco - "Mermaid Avenue" - boy I'd love this more if I could erase Natalie Merchant
from it...
Vic Chesnutt - "The Salesman and Bernadette"
Loudon Wainwright III - "Little Ship"
The Gourds - "gotchershinebox ep" - but only for their cover of "Gin and Juice" which works
(and not as a novelty song)
Lyle Lovett - "Step Inside This House"
Marah - "Lets Cut the Crap and Hook Up Later"
Lucinda Williams - "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road"
Nick Lowe - "Dig My Mood"
Geraint Watkins - "Bold As Love"

All choices are subject to change at any moment....

"Shady" Demerly

They lean towards the commmercial, and they're not all from '98, but here's the best
of shady's purchases from the past year:

1. Live at Constitution Hall-- Elvis and Burt
2. All for Nothing/Nothing for All-- The Replacements
3. The Globe Sessions-- Sheryl Crow
4. City of Angels Soundtrack
5. Try Whistling This-- Neil Finn
6. Painted From Memory-- Elvis and Burt
7. This is Tomorrow-- Elvis Costello
8. Up-- REM
9. SupposedFormerInfatuationJunkie-- Alanis Morrisette
10.Whatever and Ever Amen-- Ben Folds Five

Favorite single--"Fly Away", Lenny Kravitz


You'll never cease to amaze me. When your top tens started to trickle in, I was certain
that the new Mercury Rev was bound to do well...

1. Mercury Rev - Deserter's Song (V2, CD)
Wonderful album. The best blend of pop and psychedelia I have heard in years.
I can't believe this band isn't British. I know that the lyrics are daft... it's a psychedelic
record after all, what did you expect?

2. Jonathan Richman - So Confused (Vapor, CD)
Jonathan's records are always wonderful but this one actually manages to groove

3. Belle and Sebastian - The Boy with the Arab Strap (Jeepster, CD)

4. Billy Bragg / Wilco - Mermaid Avenue (Elektra, DoLP)

5. Lambchop - What Another Man Spills (City Slang, LP)
Lambchop are also backing Vic Chesnutt on his new album which seems to be doing
well on your poll. Seeing Vic live with a backing band of 15 musicians was amazing.

6. Massive Attack - Mezzanine (Virgin, CD)
Great version of Man Next Door which must be my all time favourite tune

7. Audio Active - Apollo Choco Remixes (OnU-Sound, CD)

8. Yazbek - The Laughing Man (Jarmusic, LP)
Yep, that's a '98 release in this country. Actually the album is a mixed blessing but
Welcome to My World was one of the best singles this year.

best reissue:
Bim Sherman - Across the Red Sea (On-U Sound)
I won't even discuss this since I'm the only one here who loves British reggae anyway

best gig:
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion feat. Alec Empire

Mr. Tommy Smarty-Pants

Due to massive Uncle Tupelo, Radiohead, BB King, KISS, and Bob Dylan infatuations,
these were the only current records which got a lot of time in my CD player this year.
Beck, Belle and Sebastian, and Neutral Milk Hotel are next on my shopping list.

1) Mermaid Avenue, BB & Wilco
2) XO, Elliott Smith
3) Live 1966, Bob Dylan
4) Wide Swing Tremolo, Son Volt
5) "Celebrity Skin", Hole (my favorite single)
6) "That Thing/Doo Wop", Lauryn Hill (my favorite chorus)

Biggest disappointment: Hello Nasty

Richard Arthur

in no particular order;

Unbelievable Truth - "Almost Here"
Written in Russia, honed in Oxford, quiet wherever you hear them.
Mercury Rev - "Deserter's Songs"
Neil Young and Sparklehorse meet in a dark alley with a bowed saw and some backing
singers (check out 'Endlessly').
ECwithBB - "Painted From Memory"
EC and BB meet over the telephone - works better after seeing it in a live context.
Neil Finn - "Try Whistling This"
Neil meets Liam (usually over near the drums) - works better after seeing it in a live context.
Gomez - "Bring It On"
Bloody students meet 20 Embassy No. 6, and yes, sell their souls to the devil up a dark alley.
Belle & Sebastian - "The Boy With The Arab Strap"
The sound of young Scotland - cynical as ever.
Jeff Buckley - "Sketches (for My Sweetheart The Drunk)"
A great single cd (!), including the unbearable 'Satisfied Mind' of being.
REM - "Up"
Always a number of redeeming features, in amongst some treading water.
Natalie Merchant - "Ophelia"
For reminding me of my summer holiday in the US.
Massive Attack - "Mezzanine"
Scary stuff from Brizzle. Switch off the lights (as somebody else said)
if you want, but lock the door first.

Radiohead - "Heading For America"

Vic Chesnutt - "The Salesman and Bernadette"
P.J.Harvey - "Is This Desire ?"
Catatonia - "International Velvet" / Space - "Tin Planet"
Pure pop for now people, no doubt replaced in my affections by the new year ...

XTC - "Transistor Blast"
Sending me straight back to the 6th form common room.
Bruce Springsteen - "Tracks"
A great double cd (!), sending me straight back to "Greetings .." and "The Wild, The Innocent ...".
The Pixies - "Death To The Pixies"
Sending me straight back to "Doolittle" and extremely short albums and concerts.
Various - "Bespoke Songs, Lost Dogs, Detours & Rendezvous"
I'm with Lee Gillett.
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - "The Best Of ..."
Makes me glad I'm an agnostic, but any guy who falls for Polly Harvey (or was it Mick
Harvey) is OK by me.

Sarah Altman

10) Bespoke songs, lost dogs, detours blah blah blah: Songs of EC. A cover so poorly
designed, I almost had to not purchase it in protest of its cheesiness. A title so labored,
an acronym won't even do. But a great collection.

9)Tommy Keene, "Isolation Party" (Matador). Yummy power pop from Mr. Power Pop
himself. Crunchy guitars and delicious melodies. Ok, enough with the food metaphors.

8)Umajets, "Demolition" (Clearspot). More power pop. A little louder this time. Despite my
mild irritation at the band's name (as if Uma Thurman doesn't get enough attention paid to
her awe-inspiring face and, ahem, phisique), this is still a great album.

7)Duffy, "I Love My Friends" (Cooking Vinyl). The man is arrogant, self-obsessed, and
wonderfully brilliant. Great lyrics, beautiful cover and lovely melodies. And a song called
"One day one of these fucks will change your life". On Duffy-l they must go crazy with
the acronyms...ODOOTFWCYL....

6)Splitsville, "Repeater" (Big Deal). See, this is why I love pop music. This album kicks ass,
and it does it loudly, with wit, intelligence and pretty harmonies. Aw yeah.

5)Ben Folds Five, "Naked Baby Photos" (Caroline). Worth it for "Emaline" and the incredibly
gorgeous Built to Spill cover ("Twin Falls").

4)Billy Bragg & Wilco, "Mermaid Avenue" (Elektra). "Hey, Sarah, you're so unoriginal!"
Yeah, right...do you want to take this outside? 'Cause I'll do it, man...This album is wonderful.
That's why everyone loves it. And I hate Nathalie as well, but she fits quite well on the track
she sings with Billy...

3)Push Kings, "Far Places" (Sealed Fate). Oh, so sweet, so lovely, so magical. Sort of retro,
very poppy, I LOVE THE PUSH KINGS. And you should too.

2)Elliott Smith, "XO" (Dreamworks). Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it's amazing. We know this. If you
don't know this, you will be shot. (oops...sorry. But go get the album, people. Seriously. You're
only cheating yourselves if you don't)

and, ta-dah!

1)ELVIS COSTELLO AND BURT BACHARACH, "Painted From Memory". Soooooooooo great.
Sooooooo bizarre that I think so. As I have mentioned before, one would think that I wouldn't
like this stuff. But no. I lvoe it. This album is so rich...I love the vocals, I love the lyrics, and I love
the fact that I saw Elvis three times in one week this fall and each show made me love the
album more. I also love that my inclusion of this album forced all the No ECers to read my
ramblings. Or at least skim them.


1. "Painted from Memory"
2. "Whitechocolatespaceegg," Liz Phair
3. "The Globe Sessions," Sheryl Crow
4. "Hell Among the Yearlings," Gillian Welch
5. "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road," Lucinda Williams
6. "Live 1966," Bob Dylan
7. "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie," Alanis Morissette
8. "Up," R.E.M.
9. "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill"
10. "Taming the Tiger," Joni Mitchell

Nik Horne

3) Pulp - This is Hardcore/This is Glastonbury
A late entry as I've only just acquired this one (courtesy of a very kind person from
another mailing list). My initial thoughts are that it's wonderful, though not quite as
wonderful as Different Class (I suspect they'll never do anything that tops Common People
for me). I had the good fortune to see Pulp in Manchester about three days after the
notorious Michael Jackson/arse-wiggling at the Brits incident - needless to say, Jarvis
was in fine wit on this very subject.

2) Various - Twentieth Century Blues: The Songs Of Noel Coward
Simply marvellous my dear boys and girls! Warning though, the title track is by Elton John -
I personally rather like him but it's become apparent recently that merely mentioning his
name on this list is on a par with outing oneself as a huge admirer of Margaret Thatcher
(which I'm not btw, in case anyone gets any funny ideas). Highlight: Vic Reeves' amazing
version of Don't Put Your Daughter On The Stage Mrs Worthington, with Roddy Frame on guitar.

1) Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach - Painted From Memory
Yes I'm firmly in the camp that loves this album; yes, the backing vocals were a bit of a shock
on first listen, but by the third listen even they had clicked into place. (I could risk making
myself even more unpopular instantly, by admitting that I really don't care for TYM that
much, ranking it second only to GCW as my least favourite EC album, but that would be
foolish, so I won't do that.)

Jeremy Thompson

10. They Might Be Giants - Severe Tire Damage
9. Rufus Wainwright - Rufus Wainwright
8. The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society (Remastered)
7. Beck - Mutations
6. Squirrel Nut Zippers - Perennial Favorites
5. Belle & Sebastian - The Boy With The Arab Strap
4. Burt Bacharach - The Look of Love
3. John Lennon - The John Lennon Anthology
2. Bob Dylan - Live 1966

<and to everyone's great surprise...>

1. Elvis and Burt - Painted From Memory

I also discovered Belle & Sebastian's "If you're feeling sinister" (1996) this year, and it just
KILLS me. I couldn't believe it was made in the '90s. It has that timeless feeling all great
records have. "Arab Strap" isn't quite as good, but it's still impressive.

I'm still trying to hunt down all their EP's (I've only got "3...6...9 Seconds of Light", which is
AWESOME). I recommend this band to anyone who likes music.

Chris Ingalls

1. Frank Zappa: Make a Jazz Noise Here
2. Frank Zappa: The Yellow Shark
3. Everclear: So Much For the Afterglow
4. Soul Coughing: Ruby Vroom
5. Garbage: Version 2.0
6. Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach
7. EC and the Attractions: All This Useless Beauty
8. Billy Bragg & Wilco: Mermaid Avenue
9. Beautiful South: Quench
10. EC & BB: Painted From Memory

And now, here's the top ten discs of '98 that I need to buy:

1. Beastie Boys: Hello Nasty
2. Fatboy Slim: You've Coma a Long Way, Baby
3. Neil Finn: Try Whistling This
4. Afghan Whigs: 1965
5. Pulp: This is Hardcore
6. Bob Dylan: The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert
7. Frank Black and the Catholics
8. Liz Phair: Whitchocolatespacegg
9. R.E.M.: Up
10. Chemical Brothers: Brothers Gonna Work it Out

Biggest disappointment:
They Might Be Giants: Severe Tire Damage

Paul Hosken

New releases:
1) Dr. John - Anutha Zone (Jul 98)

2) Ray Davies - Storyteller (Apr 98)

3) Neil Finn - Try Whistling This (Jun 98)
The top three are all albums that won over both myself and
my wife Sonja, which means that they get played a lot.
Dr. John takes the no.1 spot because it not only reminds me
of "Gris Gris", but also heads off into new territory. It has
a great cover of John Martyn's "I Don't Wanna Know" and Paul
Weller plays on a track or 2. Did I ever tell you about when
Neil Finn played a solo acoustic set in Munich last month to
an audience of around just 200 fans? No, well if you're
interested then I'll post it.

4) Sandy Denny - Gold Dust: Live At The Royalty Theatre (Sep 98)

5) XTC - Radio Blast (Nov 98)
I'm sticking my neck out a little with these 2 because although
they're on order they haven't arrived yet. But still I know that
they're not going to disappoint this Sandy/XTC fan.

6) RT - Celtschmertz (May 98)
I rate this above "Live At Crawley" & "Two Letter Words" because
of Teddy Thompson who helps make Richard a bit more digestable
than when he sings solo. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of RT,
but I much prefer it when he performs with others, be it Teddy,
Linda, Fairport, or whoever. The one exception to this is "Strict
Tempo" which I love. BTW, isn't "Persuasion" a great song?

7) Flying Burrito Bros - Out Of The Blue (98)

8) Strawbs - Halycon Days (Jan 98?)
Two well put together 2xCD collections.

9) U2 - Best Of 1980-1990 (/w bonus CD) (Nov 98)
Normally a best of U2 wouldn't excite me this much, but it's the
bonus CD of b-sides that wins me over.
Another 'best of' compilation that's worth a mention is the new
Dire Straits one. But you should chuck the main CD away and just
keep the bonus live one. I know the the idea of a 13 minute long
live version of "Sultans Of Swing" goes against all the lessons
that punk taught us back in '77, but I'd rate this live CD as one
of the best I've heard in a long time.

10) Van Morrison - Philosopher's Stone (Jun 98)
This one I'm not quite sure about. There's something there, but
it hasn't quite hit home yet. But I keep on trying.

11) EC/BB - PFM (Oct 98)
Sorry, I have to leave this outside the top 10 because it's not
in the same league as the rest as far as I'm concerned - "Off
with his head!"

(As they walked off together, Alice heard the King say in a low
voice, to the company generally, `You are all pardoned.' `Come,
That's a good thing!' she said to herself, for she had felt
quite unhappy at the number of executions the Queen had ordered.)


1-3) Santana - Santana/Abraxas/Santana 3 (Sep 98)
Great sound + bonus tracks. Can't wait for "Caravanserai"

4) Strawbs - Grave New World (Nov 98)

5) Strawbs - From The Witchwood (Nov 98)
Had to wait a LONG time to get these on CD

6) It's A Beautiful Day - Marrying Maiden (Sep 98)
2 classic albums on 1 CD and remastered

7) Who - Odds & Sods (Mar 98)
Good sound and the extra tracks make this a lot better
than the original album

8) Ralph McTell - Spiral Staircase (Mar 98)
OK, this is a start, but where's "'Til Tomorrow"?


1) The Men They Couldn't Hang - Waiting For Boneparte
Shame, great album.

Stacey Swann

1. Neil Finn "Try Whistling This"
I'll admit to being a tad disappointed, but it continues to grow on me. It's more my
expectation's fault than the actual album.

2. "Bespoke Songs", ect. ect.
Moore's "Deportee Club" and Cash's "Hidden Shame" pushed it up this high.

3. Rasputina "How We Quit The Forest"
Not as good as their first album, but their still unlike anything I've heard. I'm just not sure
about electrifying the cellos.

4. Tricky "Angels With Dirty Faces"

5. EC and BB "Painted From Memory"

Clay Mallory

10.LUCINDA WILLIAMS - "CAR WHEELS ON A GRAVEL ROAD" : sure, there's lots of hype.
But it really does live up to most. also an amazing live show!!

9.DUMP - "A PLEA FOR TENDERNESS" : for some reason, i didn't wanna have this on the list.
Maybe cos it's just a "side project". But i play this thing all the time. Love songs i can believe!

8.JUNIOR BROWN - "LONG WALK BACK" : I'm just now noticing this guy has released like
4 or 5 cds in a ROW that are great. I guess you have to be in the mood, though

7.BETH ORTON - "BEST BIT EP" : I know it's just an EP, but it beats pretty much any long player
out there. What a crazy pairing. Beautiful, though!!

6.JUMP LITTLE CHILDREN - "MAGAZINE" : Finally a newer band i can get excited about.


4.ARNOLD - "HILLSIDE" : Do you HAVE to be british to write amazing songs nowadays?
Wow. More wonderful laid-back pop. The title track kills me.

3.KRISTEN HERSH - "STRANGE ANGELS" : not much stink has been made about this album,
sadly. I thought it was wonderful. For most the year, it was my favorite.

2.NEIL FINN - "TRY WHISTLING THIS" : an album that grows on you if ever one. Near perfect.
Though i still find myself reaching for Together Alone more.

1.DUFFY - "I LOVE MY FRIENDS" : this may be the finest album i've bought in many years
(it's kinda 97, but took so long to get a deal..). Also, never has an album been so hard to
find (and still not disappointing!). Perfect lyrics, GORGEOUS melodies, great production -
helped out by the likes of Andy Partridge and Aimme Mann. I couldn't recommend an
album more. If you ever come across a copy, MAKE IT YOURS.

OTHERS I FORGOT/RAN OUT OF ROOM!! : Liz Phair, Lotion, Gillian Welch (wow!!), Squeeze,
EC and BB (being patient..), Gladhands (kinda last year, but cool pop), the MARSHALL
CRENSHAW demos CD, Bob Mould, Garbage, Medeski Martin and Wood, Cheap Trick
reissues, Dylan RAH, Postishead live, Komeda, Randy Newman Box Set, Coltrane Impulse
box set, REM...much more, but i'm tired.

Steven Kado

in no alphabetical order:

Belle & Sebastian-3..6..9 seconds of light EP
this handy little EP is uniformly brilliant in its lush pop styling, much better than the slightly
uneven Boy with the Arab strap LP.

Blonde Redhead-In an Expression of The Inexpressable
Except for one weak track i thought this record was great. Its nice to see BRH break out
of thier lable as early sonic youth with less annoying vocals and do something really slick
and different. (also their tribute to Serge Gainsbourg on the Tzadik Gainsbourg tribute disc
is pretty slick too)

Fugazi-End Hits
They just keep getting better. The only band from my grade 9 punk phase that still manages
to fulfill my every desire and expectation.

Gastr Del Sol-Camoufleur
...just go buy it. ITs a veritable degree in Jim O'rourke for beginners, wacky
electro-minimalist-folk-world-pop without a hint of being precious or pretentious.

The Joda Clement Experience-Clams are as Happy as I Am
Great dark ambient music from Joda, a guy who goes to my highschool. This isn't even
me being obscure or a little nepotistic or something by putting my pal's record in the top
releases of the year, it really is very good.

Komeda-What makes it go?
put on a big grin and cheer for those happy swedes, gawd i love pop music.

The Make Up-In Mass Mind
The greatest rock n' Roll band to ever function as satirical politico-religeous organization
and make it fun.

The Make Up/Lungleg- Pow to the people/Krayola 7"
Yes, its a single. Yes its that good. If anyone knows anything about Lungleg and can
recommend more music to buy send me some mail right quick. This single alone conquers
the LP above hand over fist, probably my single favorite song of the year.

Sloan-Navy Blues
Although they will probably never make a record better than Twice Removed this is still
pretty good stuff. Roll back the carpet, take off your shoes and invite all your friends over,
rarely has a band ever been so consitently twistable.

Stereolab-Aluminum Tunes
The giant 2CD rarities package that was dropped on us in the worlds most stupid friggin
packaging! Other than the storage problems this annoying cardboard monstrosity has
caused me, the music is great as always.

A frank lloyd wright praerie bungalo set to music. Elegant, useful, angular and welcoming.

Peter (powerpro@JA2.SO-NET.NE.JP)

In no particular order:

Stereophonics-Word Gets Around
I don't know if these guys have received much attention in the States, but their set
at Fuji Rock Fest blew me away. Their album is equally good. I was lucky enough to find
an australian import of this e.p. This album was actually released in '97, but I'd never even
heard of them until summer of '98.

Belle and Sebastian-The Boy With The Arab Strap
Belle and Sebastian-This Is Just a Modern Rock Song (just released 4-track e.p.)
Not much needs to be said about these folks. Brilliant, genius, amazing, are a few
adjectives which come to mind. They might just be my favorite band of the 90's. If you
haven't heard them, go out and buy their CDs today!

Oasis-The Masterplan
Even I never thought an Oasis album would make my list this year. This collection of
b-sides is, in my opinion, easily their best album. Their other albums have all irritated me
in various ways (namely, production), so I never expected to like this one much, but I really

Rufus Wainwright-Rufus Wainwright
Ex-listmember Dean Martucci turned me on to this one when my wife and I visited him
in San Fran last summer. It's a really gorgeous album, of which I have had a very difficult
time classifying. Is it rock? Pop? MOR? One review I read called it "theatrical," whatever
that means. I guess that means it's a great album.

Massive Attack-Mezzanine
Besides Portishead, these guys are about the only trip hop act I can stomach. The dark,
smooth, haunting sound of this album is really wonderful. Turn off all the lights and give it
a listen sometime.

Pulp-This Is Hardcore
This was the first Pulp record I had ever bought. Although it's a bit depressing at first,
after a few listens you realize that Jarvis Cocker might just be having a bit of fun with
us at our expense. Help The Aged proves this to me.

Pixies-Live At The BBC
Nothing truly revolutionary here. Most of these tracks have been available in bootleg
form or other for a long time, but anything with the Pixies' name on it is bound to make
my year's best list. Except for the dreadful, Death To The Pixies, that is.

Frank Black and the Catholics-same
A lot of critics and listmembers have taken opposite sides on this one, but I truly enjoy
listening to it. The guitars are nice, and as mentioned before, anything Frank Black does
is okay with me.

Spiritualized-Royal Albert Hall
They are by far one of my all time favorite bands. This album plays like a greatest hits
album (even though they never have had a hit), and what's more, it is recorded live,
which is where this band really shines. I don't know what else to say except, put it on
and turn it up loud.

Embrace-The Good Will Out
This band has probably alienated themselves forever by making claims in the press that
their record was better than Oasis', better than The Verve's, and better than just about
any other band's record they could think of at the time, and this was before their record
had even been finished! The truth is, their record is better than any Oasis record, and
definitely in the same league as The Verve's recorded work. Even though it has met
very mixed reviews, one listen to Come Back To What You Know will convice you that
these guys are for real.

Elliott Smith-XO
Francois Drouin required that I buy this, so I did. I'll say that I like this album a lot, but it
hasn't quite caught my imagination yet. The songs are really beautiful, reminiscent of
Big Star's Chris Bell. I think he is a great songwriter, but his akward use of profanity on
some tracks really irritates me. It still makes my best of '98, however.

Nick Lowe-Dig My Mood
This is the first Nick Lowe album I have ever bought, and it has made me want to go
out and buy several others. The news just posted on this list that a box set is in the works
has made me happy as I have had no idea where to start in his back catalogue. The
lonely sound of the production is magical, and reminds me of the best Johnny Cash
era. A great whiskey drinking record.

Elvis Costello with Burt Bacharach-PFM
If you had asked me when this album first came out, I would never have said that this
record would be one of my best of '98, but it has grown on me, and I now admit to
liking it a lot. I just wish it didn't make Elvis seem so old. I guess is he collaborates with
someone nearly twice his age, he's going to come across sounding like a bit of a
codger. A small price to pay for a collection of good songs I suppose.

Well, there you have it, all thirteen choices. It surprises me that there are so many, as
last year I was hard pressed to come up with half a dozen. I owe this to the list members
who have made excellent (and not so excellent) recommendations of their favorite
new music. I only hope my choices don't reveal me as the large cog in the machine
that I am.

Jennifer Suzanne McClelland

2. Beck- Mutations
3. Madonna- Ray of Light (blush, hey it's good, piss off)
4. Liz Phair- whitechoca... (disappointing, but nothing is ever ever going
to top Exile)
5.Lou Reed- Live in London (This may be the wrong title, music genius I am
6. Lauryn Hill- Miseducation of...
7. Tori Amos- Songs from Choirgirl Hotel
Good songs from CDs that sucked
1. Barenaked Ladies- Some Fantastic
2. Des'ree- Fire
Just good songs, but I'm too scared to buy the record
1. Fastball- both of their singles
2. Harvey Danger- Flagpole Sitta
3. TAFKAP- Crystal Ball
Best Shows
1. Lou Reed- 9:30 Club, August
2. Rev. Horton Heat, Flat Duo Jets, Amazing Crowns- Newport, December
3. Cassandra Wilson- Wolf Trap, June (even though she was the opening act
and didn't play very long)
4. Ani DiFranco- Wolf Trap, June
Other albums I finally bought this year
1. EC- King of America
2. velvet Underground & Nico
3. Replacements- pleased to Meet me
4. Prince- The Hits
5. The Clash- London Calling

Jim Steele

1. Tragically Hip - Phantom Power
2. EC and BB - Painted from Memory
3. Sloan - Navy Blues
4. Jeffrey Gaines - Galore (and ya gotta have the bonus CD) (might not be 1998?
But a listmember alerted me to this one)
5. R.E.M. - Up
6. Neil Finn - Try Whistling This
7. Elliott Smith - XO
8. Smashing Pumpkins, Adore
9. Van Morrison, The Philosopher's Stone
10. Colin James, Little Big Band II
11. Jim Cuddy, All in Time
12. Various, Sabrina The Teen Witch O.S.T. (my daughters made me do this)
13. Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Welcome to the Pleasuredome (it was re-released
so even if I didn't buy it, it goes on this year's list ...)

On this list this time in 1999:

Ron Sexsmith (out in February)

DiDi Grimm

1. Susanna Baca - Susanna Baca
2. Mike Scott - Still Burning
3. Alan Stivell - 1 Duoar
4. Ron Sexsmith - Other Songs
5. Eva Ayllon - Para Mi Gente
6. Liz Phair - whitechocolatespaceegg
7. Michele Zarillo - L'Amore Vuole Amore
8. Duncan Sheik - "Humming" (simply for the string arrangements)
9. Hugh Lovell's Brazilian Sampler tape
10.Bjork - "Homogenic"

Gary M. Vollano

10. Pawnshop "Three Brass Balls"
Just received this one 2 weeks ago and it already cracks my Top Ten.
It's that good.

9. Jessica's Attic "Disclaimer"
This -Gothic/Space/Dance- music mesmerizes me with its David Gilmore-esque style
soaring guitar every time.

8. Crenshaw "Add The Good"
another late entry. Picked this up the beginning of Nov. (Thanks to fellow listmember
Mitch S.) been in heavy rotation since. Kind of Toad The Wet Sprocket crossed with
Huffamoose influenced by Steely Dan, the Dead, & Neil Young.

7. (Tie) WOW "One Hit Wonder" & Rocket Frog "so much for pathos..."
Both are Pure Pop & a whole lotta fun!

6. RAW Kinder "EP"
Hauntingly Beautiful.

5. The Runes "Lost Songs"
Good Rock 'n' Roll covering a multitude of styles.

4. (Tie) Dan Bacon "Cry" & Midway "Poole Hall Sessions"
Dan Bacon takes '70s guitar Rock and gives us the updated '90s equivalent. While
Midway uses an array of jangle guitar pop to rock.

3. (Tie) Costello & Bacharach "Painted From Memory" & Various Artists
"Bespoke Songs, Lost Dogs, Detours & Rendezvous"
What can I say that hasn't been said already?

2. (Tie) the badge "...digital retro..." & Crustaceans "Crustaceans"
the badge takes everything good about Rock 'n' Roll and makes it good
again (Very polished). Crustaceans take everything good about Rock 'n' Roll and
make it good again (Very raw).

1. emil muzz "superprimered"
Simply the best "Straight up/Smash mouth" Rock disc I've heard in years! A full frontal
assault on your senses. A very Punk influenced, Grunge without slacker mentality,
Garage attitude of a Kick-Ass Rock 'n' Roll band. Fronted by a female singer with
a wide vocal range, from full fledged punk screams accompanied by grinding and
drenching guitars, fuzz-toned feedback, and gonzo drumming, right down to
beautiful harmonic altos showcased by gentle complimentary (power) chords.
I knew it was good, but the more I played it, the more I dug it. When I sat down
to compile this list, I was a bit (but not totally) surprised to find it come it at #1, but
that's where it ended up & that's where it deserves to be.

Honorable mentions:
The Kinks "Muswell Hillbillies" (re-Issue)
Bettie Serveert "Dust Bunnies" (Last year, but I think I picked it up in January)
The Need "Wish"
& The Need "One From The Heart"
Beth Profitt "Heart For A Heart"
Offspring "Americana" (Give it to me Baby, uh-huh, uh-huh)
Black & White "Hepcat"
"Burner" Home Office Records compilation (Last year)
Charlie Burton & The Texas Twelve Steppers "Rustic Fixer-Upper" (Last Year)

Craig J. Pinhey

Here's my top 10- of 98 with mini reviews

1. EC&BB Painted From Memory (grows on you in a good way, more complex songs than anything BB
has done, and more hummable than most EC work)

2. Yazbek - Tock (brilliant pop with great lyrics and musicianship - makes u pine for XTC)

3. Sloan - Navy Blues (what can I say - the Halifax boys can rock and pop with the best of them through
history - all four write, sing and play multiple instruments - they sound like the Stones meets the Beatles
with some EC influences too)

4. Barenaked Ladies - Stunt (pure pop tunes with fun but inciteful lyrics - great live band)

5. Brian Setzer - Dirty Boogie (this simply swrox <swings and rocks> and I don't care what u say about it!
2nd best party ccd of 98 and blows away all the other swing revivalists)

6. Nick Lowe - Dig My Mood (great for late nite martini sipping)

7. Juliana Hatfield - Bed (nasty lyrics and great hard pop songs)

8. Eels - Electro-shock Blues (weird wild and wonderful)

9. The Pietasters - Willis (best party cd of 98 ->sounds like Commitments meets Mighty Mighty Bosstones)

10. Beautiful South - (more of the same twisted lyrics set to happy melodies - love it or hate it, but they
are consistently on form)

Honourable mentions:
Natalie Merchant - Ophelia (Moving songs, with waif like vocals)
Royal Crowns - 32 miles from Memphis (best rockabilly album I've heard - actually came out in 97 but I
couldn't get it til 98)


You thought it was over, well here is an aussies top 20 for 1998 (in
terms of albums I bought rather than those released in 1998):

1. The Beach Boys: Surf's Up (cd burn of second hand cd version)
2. Bob Dylan Live 1966
3. EC & Burt
4. REM : Up
5. Lou Reed Live : A Perfect Night
6. The Kinks: Muswell Hillbillies
7. Freestylers - can't remember name
8. Asian Dub Foundation - same as above
9. Hoova: Straight A's (Australian Band)
10. Happyland: Welcome to (Australian Band)
11. The Band: Music from Big Pink & Self Titled
12. Patti Smith: Peace and Noise
13. The Beach Boys: Good Vibrations box set
14. The Best of Booker T and the MG's
15. Tricky: Angels with Dirty faces (was that 98 or 97?)
16. Nu Yorica: Compilation of New York Latin bands from the 1970's
17. Lee Scratch Perry vs The Mad Professor
18. XTC: The Big Express/NonSuch/Oranges and Lemons/Rag Bone and Buffet
19. Sonic Youth: A Thousand Leaves
20. Los Lobos: Colossal Head (1996)

Wack that on ya home page!

Kerry Reynolds

1. EC&BB--PFM ('nuff said)
2. Billy Bragg & Wilco--Mermaid Avenue (really grows on you--makes me want
to check out earlier Wilco stuff, already have most of Bragg)
3. Lyle Lovett--Step Inside This House (exquisite stylings)
4. Dave Alvin--Blackjack David (solid follow-up to one of the decades top
10--King of California)
5. Martin Carthy--Signs of Life (a fav among the folkies--you'll find this
one on Bragg's and Richard Thompson's top 10 list, I'm sure)
6. Dick Gaughan--Redwood Cathedral (ditto the above)
7. Eliza Carthy--Red Rice (ditto)
8. Oyster Band--Alive and Acoustic (for those not familiar with the Oyster
Band, start out with "Ride"--punk Chieftans)
9. Nick Lowe--Dig My Mood (let me slip into something more comfortable--baby)
10. The Blasters--American Music (Reissue)

Even though some of my other favorite artists (e.g., TMBG, Robert Earl
Keen) put out albums this year, I could not include them in my top 10.

Chip Rollinson

1. Dylan - Bootleg Series vol. 4
2. Phish - The Sotry of the Ghost
3. EC/BB - Painted From Memory
4. John Scofield - A Go Go
5. John Lennon - Anthology
6. Medeski, Martin, and Wood - Combustication
7. Pearl Jam - Yield
8. Various - Bespoke Songs, Lost Dogs, Detours & Rendezvous; the songs of
Elvis Costello
9. Guster - Goldfly
10. Widespread Panic - Light Fuse and Get Away

Gerry Yurchison

I cast a vote for the 1998 Elvis Presely "Tiger Man" release for this year's top 10.

Alan Ramsey

This Year, My Favorite CD's Are:

1 PFM - EC & BB
2 Frank Sinatra-Live At The Sands(1998 Reissue)
3 Brian Setzer Orchestra-The Dirty Boogie
4 Bob Dylan-Live 1966
5 John Lennon-Anthology
6 Bruce Springsteen-Tracks
7 Rod Stewart-When We Were The New Boys
8 Count Basie-Live At The Sands(Before Frank)
9 Cramps-Greatest Hits
10 (3 Way Tie)The Rat Pack Live/Dean Martin At The Sands-1964/Celebrities At Their Worst
(You haven't lived til you've heard William Shatner's pronounciation of the word sabotage.)

Tom Ricks

No. 1 vote: Definitely Lucinda Williams, "Car Wheels.''

Wes Vokes

1) Matt Wilson - Burnt White and Blue
A very dark harrowing and moving solo dedut by the ex Trip Shakesphere member...Seemed
underwheming at first, but then got under my skin in ways that the Semisonic album could not.

2) Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach - Painted by Memory
No more comments necesary?

3) Loud Family - Days for Days
This is both their most avant garde (alternating "songs" and "fragments") and accessible
(great melodies/riffs) release to date

4) Elliott Smith - XO
Signing with a major sure beefed up the budget (thick arrangements,nice production), but the
songs remain as good as on the last one.

5) Owsley - S/T
Nashville guy releases the best power pop album of the year (IMHO). Very Beatle-influenced...

6) Loudon Wainwright III - Little Ship
Ol Loudo is probably the most consistant folkie out there, I rate this over his sons debut because its
more tuneful, funnier, and he just plain sings better

7) Joni Mitchell - Taming the Tiger
I wish she would dump that damn soprano sax, but this is a worthy extension to her last album.

8) Belle & Sebastian - The Boy With the Arab Strap
Some people believe this is a come down after "If You're Feeling Sinister", but I can't see why.
Maybe a bit spottier, but it also peaks higher.

9) Yazbek - Tock
He is like a piano-based XTC with a better voice than Mr. Partridge

10) Pernice Brothers - Overcome by Happiness
Just a lovely album

And many more that I can't list here. I thought it was a very good year for music.....

Keith Hanlon

1. Neutral Milk Hotel - "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea"
2. Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach - "Painted From Memory"
3. Girl Bros (Wendy and Lisa) - "Girl Bros"
4. Beck - "Mutations"
5. Diamanda Galas - "Malediction and Prayer"
6. Belle and Sebastian - "If You're Feeling Sinister" (it says 1998 on my copy... and I like it more
than "The Boy With the Arab Strap")
7. Pulp - "This is Hardcore"
8. Mercury Rev - "Deserter's Songs"
9. Page/Plant - "Walking into Clarksdale" (really!)
10. PJ Harvey - "Is This Desire?"

Honarable mentions:
Sean Lennon - "Into the Sun"
Robyn Hitchcock - "Storefront Hitchcock"
Babe the Blue Ox - "The Way We Were"
Joey Baron - "Down Home"
VPN - "Smallwire"
Sex Mob - "Din of Inequity"
NPG - "New Power Soul"
Townies - "Plurperfect"

Reissues and Collections:
Miles Davis - "Bitches Brew Sessions"
Miles Davis - "Quintet 1965-1968"
Bob Dylan - "Live 1966"
Prince - "Crystal Ball"
The Pixies - "At the BBC"
Yoko Ono - "Plastic Ono Band"
XTC - "Transistor Blast"

Stuff from 97 that I discovered in 98: Elfpower, Broadcast, Apples in Stereo, Beekeeper

Stuff from 98 that I haven't heard/bought yet: The Divine Comedy, Chris
Isaak, Momus, John Lennon Anthology

Michael Bandich

#1 (tie) Kristin Hersh - Strange Angeles
#1 (tie) Peter Case - Full Service No Waiting

#3 David Garza - This Euphoria
#4 Mike Scott - Still Burning
#5 Paul Kelly - Words and Music
#6 EC - PFM
#7 Van Morrison - The Philosphers Stone
#8 Throwing Muses - In a Doghouse
#9 Pixes at the BBC

#10 (tie) Mary Lou Lord - Got No Shadow
#10 (tie) Kristin Hersh - Murder, Misery, and then Goodnight

honorable mention...too many to mention

Kristina Engberg

coming in under the wire:

1. EC/BB -- PFM
2. REM -- Up
3. Pulp -- This Is Hardcore
4. Hole -- Celebrity Skin
5. Garbage -- Version 2.0
6. Lou Reed -- Perfect Night
7. Various -- Bespoke Songs, Lost Dogs, etc.
8. P.J. Harvey -- Is This Desire?
9. Smashing Pumpkins -- Adore
10. Ray Davies -- Storyteller (I was lucky enough to see him perform a small free show
promoting this release, sponsored by Border's, at the Old South Meetinghouse (a historic
Boston church) -- it was great!)(which may explain why I like this release so much)

Mark Perry

Top 10 albums for 1998:

1. Requiem for my friend - Zbigniew Preisner
Moving and fittingly uplifting tribute to the late, great Krzystof
Kieslowski by the man whose music was such an integral part of his

2. Mutations - Beck
I was a bit slow on the uptake with Beck. Now I can't get enough.

3. Dig My Mood - Nick Lowe
Must be honest - I didn't think the world really needed another Nick
Lowe album. How wrong could I have been? His best work ever - although
he seems to have been to a very dark place indeed in order to make it.
As my old dad used to say: "money doesn't buy you happiness, son".

4. Amelia Cuni - Danza d'Amore
Best gig I saw all year was this Italian-born singer at Dartington
Hall in the summer. Indian dhrupad meets early European music with a
little Velvet Underground thrown in. Half the audience walked out
during the interval. I stayed and bought this transfixing CD

5. Britten: Our hunting fathers, etc. - Ian Bostridge
I'm not always a big fan of the tenor voice, but this young English
singer made me sit up & take notice when I saw him doing 'Winterreise'
on TV last Christmas. Right now, he's probably my favourite singer in
the world.

6. Painted From Memory - Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach
It's a mood record, isn't it? Some days I love it, some days I can't
see what all the fuss is about. And I'd still like to shoot that
drummer! On balance though, a very fine album.

7. Schubert: Leider - Ian Bostridge
I told you I liked him. He also issued a Schumann disc in 1998 which
should really be in my Top 10 - but I don't wish to appear obsessive!

8. International Velvet - Catatonia
A massive & deserved hit which offers convincing proof that not all
Welsh bands are as dull as the Manky Street Preachers. Good on ya,

9. An Eye For A Difference - London Saxophonic
Pulsating, stripped down versions of Michael Nyman classics. Rock &

10. Fin de Siecle - The Divine Comedy
Slightly disappointing after the mini-masterpiece 'A Short Album About
Love' but still streets ahead of most young pups of his generation.
Neil Hannon could be the new Costello. You read it here first!

bubbling under: Bring It On - Gomez, Nu-clear Sounds - Ash, Mermaid
Avenue - Billy Bragg & Wilco, This Is Hardcore - Pulp

best reissue: Live 1966 - Bob Dylan (thanks, AC!)

KenL (Herne)

Notable albums:

I say notable because these are albums that made an impression on me
last year even though they may have not come out last year.

Komeda---What Makes it Go---Not as great as their previous album the
Genius of Komeda (one of my favorites of the 90's) but cool nonetheless.

Beck---Odelay---I'm a little late to this party but I really like it a

PJ Harvey---Is this Desire?---No album of hers ever seems to hit me with
the impact of her first but still it is great. I don't know where all
her passion comes from but I'd love to find out.

Various---Nuggets Vol 3---The last cd comp. before they put out the box
set which I am going to be getting in the next couple of days as a late
birthday present. The pyschadelic garage one hit wonders on this and
the other discs are all great. It's made me want to explore these lost
bands like The Cyrcle, the Knickerbockers and whoever else. Kenny
Rogers' Just Dropped In to See What Condition My Condition Was In alone
is worth the price of admission.

Ron Sexsmith---This guy's first album is simply a masterpiece. Mellow
guitar stuff mostly but there are a few mid tempo rockers. I've spent
half a year listening to it and I haven't even gotten around to his
second one(Other Songs I think it's called). And he's got a third on
the way. Highly recommended.

Belle and Sebastian---If You're Feeling Sinister---This album is far and
away the best album I got in the last year. I know there are Kinks fans
on these lists who would get a real kick out of this reclusive
Scottish(?)nine piece outfit. There stuff vaguely recalls Sunny
Afternoonish type material. A must have.

Belle and Sebastian---Boy With the Arab Strap---Not at the same level as
Sinister but still a great album. Probably would have been stronger if
they hadn't put out some of the great songs that would have been here on
to their eps. These guys put an ep every few months and an album every
year. Does anybody remember what that was like?

Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach---Painted From Memory---"A dream to
some...a NIGHTMARE to others!!!" As for me, the jury's still out. I'll
have to go back and give it a few more spins. Back when it came out it
just left me cold...which is something an EC record has NEVER done.

The Poseidon Adventure---sdtrk---available only by mail from Film Score
monthly but definitely worth it. Now if they'll just do the Towering

Rediscovery of the Year---Out of Our Idiot by EC and his various
aliases. I never really played it a lot when I first got it but I've
heard it lot this year and I've really gotten into it.
Especially the Flirting Kind and People's Limousine.

Best Concert---PJ Harvey at the Wiltern theater

Random Concert Moments of the Year:

Backstage at EC/BB---I tell Burt Bacharach it's cool he recorded with
EC. He asks if I bought the album. I say yes and then he disappears.

At PJ Harvey---I see this guy I think I recognise from work but I don't
remember his name. We make eye contact, I stare for a moment and then
turn away wondering why I couldn't remember his name. Then I saw these
girls I could swear were from work also They looked familiar but I
couldn't place the names. Later I found out they weren't from work at
all. They were Beck, and Hole, respectively. Duh! on my part.

At Dick Dale---Dick is playing something. He walks off stage. the
music continues. Suddenly I realise he's standing right next to me on
the floor playing away. He walked amongst the crowd for a while before
returning to the stage.

Fremont Street in Las Vegas---where Missing Persons and Berlin played
sets to a huge street crowd. Definite 80's flashback time. Berlin did
a surprisingly ripping version of Metro. Go figure.

Lyric of the year:"Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic..." Bare
Naked Ladies aren't the most brilliant band ever but to access an
obscure bad Harrison Ford film in a song was definitely a humorous move.

Musical tragedies of the Year:

Dave Gregory leaves XTC
Lush breaks up

...and, Joanne Walker:

Joanne's Much-Mulled Top Ten O' '98:

1. Already on record; can't praise enough, etc., etc., etc.: "Dig My Mood" (Nick Lowe).

2. Not burnered-out on it yet: "Three Brass Balls" (Pawnshop).

3. Worth every ounce of angst endured in the discovery: "Mermaid Avenue" (Billy Bragg and Wilco).

4. Cheating a little based on their non-new cd, DTS: "Sex Without Bodies" (Dave's True Story).

5. Shocking myself: "Painted From Memory" (Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach).

6. I'm such a country girl: "The Skin I'm In" (Elvin Bishop).

7. Love it, love it, love it: "XO" (Elliott Smith).

8. Breeding is fun-damental: "Perennial Favorites" (Squirrel Nut Zippers).

9. Anyone who hasn't experienced "For Those Of Y'all Who Wear Fannie Packs" is missing 6
minutes and 6 seconds of the greatest recorded sound of the year: "Naked Baby Photos" (Ben Folds Five).

10. Sorry. I was going to put "Try Whistling This" (Neil Finn) here, but it's just not a
top ten for me. More like an honorable mention.

Speaking of which, here are the obligatory non-standard addenda:

1997s My 1998 Wouldn't Have Been The Same Without:

1. "Third Eye Blind" (Third Eye Blind)
2. "Snuzz" (Snuzz)
3. "Rustic Fixer-Upper" (Charlie Burton and The Texas Twelve Steppers)
4. "In and Out Of Night" (Bluecowboys)
5. "Time Out Of Mind" (Bob Dylan)

Begging your indulgence, the following albums (mostly cd releases of old stuff), none of
which even meets a 1997 cut-off, meant more to my 1998 psyche than all but three or four
of the above; there'd be no sleeping if I left them off:

1. "Pure Blues" (Alvin Lee and Ten Years After)
2. "Veedon Fleece" and "Hard Nose The Highway" (Van Morrison)
3. "Best of the Band" (The Band)
4. "Hot Number" (The Fabulous Thunderbirds)
5. "Ben Folds Five" (Ben Folds Five)
6. "Absolute Torch and Twang" (kd lang)
7. "One Good Well" (Don Williams)
8. "Go, Cat, Go!" (Carl Perkins)
9. "Tuesday Night Music Club" (Sheryl Crow)
10. "Steppin' Out" (Tony Bennett

Oh, and Elvis Costello:

5. Marc Ribot - Marc Ribot y los Cubanos Postizos
4. John Woolrich - Ulysees Awakes
3. Portishead - PNYC: Roseland NYC Live
2. Zamballarana - Zamballarana
1. Paul Hillier and Andrew Lawrence-King - Bitter Ballads

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